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Transfer Pricing arises from the exchange of products or services between related or related companies.
In the Dominican Republic Transfer Pricing is regulated by Article 281 of the Dominican Tax Code (Law 11-92), Regulation No 78-14 on Transfer Pricing, Decree 256-21 and General Norm 08-2021 on Country-by-Country Reporting.
The General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII), defines them as:
“The value assigned to transactions carried out between two related companies.”
In Contadores Dominicanos we provide Transfer Pricing services, based on world-class standards, based on Transfer Pricing valuation methods.
We have professionals that will help you to present the Transfer Pricing Technical Study.
It is the declaration used by taxpayers, to identify their related companies and report the operations that have taken place with these.
It is the document where the process of valuation or evaluation of transfer pricing is reported, containing information of the local entity, of the operations with related companies and financial information.
It is a declaration where the tax information of each entity of a multinational group is reported, it must be submitted by all taxpayers that are part of a multinational group, as well as any entity that is part of a multinational group.
The information that the report must contain can be found in Rule 08-2021 on Country-by-Country Reporting.
This report, must be submitted by those taxpayers that are part of a multinational group and that comply with the linkage assumption established in numeral 1 of article 2 of the Regulation.
Our team of professionals is ready to help you.
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