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Company Incorporation Service

Our Company Incorporation Service is governed by the provisions established in Law No. 479-08, General Law on Commercial Companies and Limited Liability Individual Companies.

At Contadores Dominicanos, we have a team of highly qualified professionals who are ready to assist you with the incorporation of a company in the Dominican Republic. Our experts in corporate and commercial law allow us to offer timely advice on corporate and commercial matters for the creation of small, medium, or large companies.

Our Company Incorporation Service in the Dominican Republic is characterized by our legal, commercial, and tax advisory services for the creation of any of the following Commercial Companies in the Dominican Republic:

  1. Limited Liability Individual Company (EIRL)
  2. Limited Liability Company (SRL)
  3. Corporation (SA)
  4. Simplified Corporation (SAS)
  5. General Partnership
  6. Limited Partnership
  7. Partnership Limited by Shares

We provide advisory services for foreign investment companies and international trade, which allows us to offer effective guidance for the establishment of international companies, franchises, multinationals, etc.

Our Company Incorporation Service is governed by the provisions established in Law No. 479-08, General Law on Commercial Companies and Limited Liability Individual Companies.

At Contadores Dominicanos, we have a team of highly qualified professionals who are ready to help you incorporate a company in the Dominican Republic. Our experts in corporate and commercial law allow us to offer timely advice on corporate and commercial matters for the creation of small, medium, or large companies.

Requirements to incorporate a company in the Dominican Republic:

  1. Register the trade name with the National Office of Industrial Property (ONAPI).
  2. Register the legal documents with the corresponding Chamber of Commerce and Production.
  3. Request the National Taxpayer Registry (RNC) from the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII).
  4. Register the company with the Social Security Treasury.
  5. Register the company with the Ministry of Labor.

Advantages of hiring a company incorporation service:

  1. Legal and tax advisory services for all matters related to company creation in the Dominican Republic.
  2. Effective and timely commercial advice.
  3. No need to worry about paperwork.
  4. Confidence in legally and safely creating your company.

Our services include:

  • Trade Name Registration Process.
  • Payment of Taxes for Trade Name Registration.
  • Preparation and Registration of Corporate Bylaws for the Company.
  • Payment of the Commercial Registry Fee before the Chamber of Commerce and Production.
  • Copy of the Commercial Registry.
  • Process of Obtaining the Commercial Registry.
  • Payment of Capital Taxes to the Commercial Registry.
  • Registration Process for the National Taxpayer Registry (RNC) with the DGII.
  • Creation of Profile and Access Management to the Virtual Office of the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII).
  • Creation of Profile and Access Management to the Social Security Treasury (TSS).
  • Creation of Profile and Access Management to the Ministry of Labor.
  • Pre-inked Company Seal.
  • Preparation and Registration of Minutes and Attendance Record of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company.
  • Procedures with Industrial Property (ONAPI).
  • Increase or decrease of authorized share capital.
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