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Our service for the modification of installations, remodeling request, and expansion of storage capacity is aimed at helping companies make the necessary changes to improve their facilities.
At Contadores Dominicanos, we have a team of professionals who are experts in corporate and legal matters, ready to fully support your company or corporation.
The modification of installations in legal terms refers to changes made to an existing facility to improve its operation or increase its capacity. These changes must comply with the applicable legal regulations regarding construction and safety to ensure the safety of people and the integrity of the property.
It is important to consider the requirements and regulations, which may vary depending on the type and location of the installations to be modified.
The expansion of storage capacity refers to the action of increasing the amount of goods or materials that can be stored in a given physical space.
This can be achieved by constructing new storage spaces, optimizing the use of existing space, or acquiring new storage equipment.
It is important to follow these requirements to ensure safety and legal compliance when expanding storage capacity.
This is a request to extend the timeline for a previously approved modification project. This may be necessary when delays or unexpected challenges arise during the implementation of the project, or when more time is needed to meet applicable requirements and regulations.
Our team of professionals is ready to help you.
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