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Service for the reconciliation of fines and penalties with the DGII

Our service for the reconciliation of fines and penalties with the DGII is governed by the tax laws of the Dominican Republic.

The tax laws and regulations establish the actions and omissions considered as faults or infractions, along with their respective penalties or fines, and empower the Internal Revenue Office (DGII) to apply these sanctions.

At Contadores Dominicanos, we have expert professionals who can provide the legal and tax advisory services you need to reconcile your penalties and fines with the DGII.

What is a tax infraction?

These are the various forms of non-compliance or omission of the provisions of tax laws and regulations outlined in Law 11-92 of the Tax Code, which are sanctioned by the Tax Administration and Competent Courts.

They are classified into:

  • Tax infractions: These are penalized with the payment of a sum of money.
  • Tax crimes: These are penalized with imprisonment, and their judgment corresponds to the Ordinary Criminal Courts.

Advantages of hiring a fine reconciliation service:

  1. Your company will have accurate and reliable tax planning and fiscal information.
  2. Your company or entity will stay up to date with tax payments and obligations.
  3. By hiring this service, you will have updated staff on tax regulations, fiscal laws, and recent updates.

Our services include:

  • Reconciliation of fines and penalties with the DGII.
  • Tax and fiscal planning.
  • Timely payment of taxes and tax obligations with the DGII.
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