

How to Become a Customs Agent in the Dominican Republic?

Table of Contents

The role of Customs Agents is crucial for international trade as they are the legal representatives of exporters and importers of goods and products.

In this article, we will explain the functions of a Customs Agent and the requirements to operate as one in the Dominican Republic.

What is a Customs Agent?

A Customs Agent is a person who represents companies or individuals that export or import goods. They facilitate international trade, ensuring that the goods entering or leaving a country comply with all necessary regulations.

If you are an individual or a legal entity and need advice on applying for a License to operate as a Customs Agent in the Dominican Republic, at Contadores Dominicanos we have highly qualified professionals ready to assist you.

What are the functions of a Customs Agent?

The main functions of a Customs Agent are:

  • Manage and organize the customs clearance of goods exported or imported by their client.
  • Handle the payment of the corresponding customs duties.
  • Provide advice to their clients on everything related to customs legislation.
  • Act as the legal representative of the client during customs inspections.
  • Serve as the intermediary between importers and exporters.

Requirements to Operate as a Customs Agent

A License is required to operate as a Customs Agent in the Dominican Republic. The requirements to apply for this license are:

For Individuals:

  • A letter requesting a License to operate as a Customs Agent addressed to the Director General of Customs.
  • Curriculum Vitae or Resume.
  • Copy of the identity document.
  • Certificate of No Criminal Record issued by the Prosecutor’s Office.
  • Certification issued by the DGII, confirming that the applicant is up-to-date with tax obligations.
  • Bank letters demonstrating the applicant’s financial solvency, specifying the approximate average balance for the last twelve (12) months.
  • Inventory certified by a Public Accountant of the applicant’s assets, both movable and immovable, attaching copies of the property titles that support them. This certificate must be verified, signed, and sealed by the General Directorate of Customs (DGA).
  • Proof of completion of the basic course in customs techniques at the Training Center for Fiscal Policy and Management (CAPGEFI), according to Res. 84-05 or in institutions legally recognized by it.
  • Payment of thirty thousand Dominican pesos (DOP 30,000.00) by certified check payable to the General Directorate of Customs to cover the administrative expenses required for processing and handling the application.

For Legal Entities:

  • A letter requesting a License to operate as a Customs Agent addressed to the Director General of Customs.
  • Certificate of No Criminal Record issued by the Prosecutor’s Office.
  • Bank letters demonstrating the applicant’s financial solvency, specifying the approximate average balance for the last twelve (12) months.
  • Inventory certified by a Public Accountant of the applicant’s assets, both movable and immovable, attaching copies of the property titles that support them. This certificate must be verified, signed, and sealed by the General Directorate of Customs (DGA).
  • Copy of the manager’s document or copies of all identity documents of the board of directors’ members.
  • Copy of the Corporate Bylaws.
  • Certification issued by the DGII, confirming that the entity is up-to-date with tax obligations.
  • A legible, valid, and updated Mercantile Registry.
  • Certified copy of the manager or the board of directors’ minutes authorizing the application and processing of the license.
  • Current certification from the Social Security Treasury and an updated list of the company’s employees.
  • Proof of completion of the basic course in customs techniques at the Training Center for Fiscal Policy and Management (CAPGEFI), according to Res. 84-05 or in institutions legally recognized by it.
  • Payment of thirty thousand Dominican pesos (DOP 30,000.00) by certified check payable to the General Directorate of Customs to cover the administrative expenses required for processing and handling the application.

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