

What is an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) in Customs?

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The international certification of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) is an important tool to secure the supply chain of foreign trade in the Dominican Republic.

This certification becomes significant due to the high costs, multiple procedures, and prolonged time required in foreign trade processes.

In this article, we will discuss the accreditation of Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) and the benefits of being a certified operator.

This global accreditation is granted by the Customs of each country, with the aim of ensuring safe and transparent trade.

In the Dominican Republic, the General Directorate of Customs (DGA) is responsible for granting AEO certifications to companies and logistics operators that consistently undergo rigorous verification processes.

What is an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) and why is it important?

It is defined as a foreign trade operator accredited in security and best practices in the international supply chain of goods.

Operators that meet the criteria established by the AEO are considered reliable partners in the supply chain.

If you are an operator or company that wants to be certified as an Authorized Economic Operator in the Dominican Republic, at Contadores Dominicanos, we have competitive professionals who can advise you on the process of obtaining AEO certification.

Who can be certified as an AEO in the Dominican Republic?

In the Dominican Republic, the following operators can be certified as AEOs, as long as they meet the established requirements:

  • Exporters.
  • Importers.
  • Port facility operators.
  • Customs agents.
  • Shipping operators.
  • Express mail couriers.
  • Freight consolidators.
  • Transporters.
  • Warehouse operators.
  • Free zones.
  • Free zone parks.

What are the benefits of being a certified AEO company?

Being a certified AEO operator or company in the Dominican Republic offers many benefits, including:

  • 24-hour express clearance.
  • Exclusive appraisers.
  • Coordination of fast controls and clearance.
  • Strong support for foreign trade activities.
  • Higher levels of competitiveness.
  • Assignment of an account agent for follow-up and operation of AEO benefits.

What are the requirements to become an AEO in the Dominican Republic?

Here are the conditions and minimum requirements to apply for certification as an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), according to Decree 144-12, aimed at individuals and legal entities wishing to be accredited as AEOs:


  • For legal entities: be legally established for a minimum period of three years prior to the date of application submission.
  • Be registered in the National Taxpayer Registry (RNC) for a minimum period of three years prior to the date of application submission.
  • Be up to date with tax and customs obligations.
  • Have an uninterrupted track record of operations for a minimum of three years prior to the application submission.
  • Have not been sanctioned for serious or minor infractions by the customs or tax authority in the last three years of operations.
  • Have good financial solvency.
  • Have valid licenses, authorizations, and registrations required by foreign trade regulatory authorities.


A satisfactory history of compliance with customs, tax, and public order legislation. An adequate administrative management system:

  • Company organizational chart.
  • Process map.
  • Critical positions matrix.
  • Updated risk matrix.
  • Adequate financial solvency.
  • Satisfactory levels of security in the logistics chain.

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