

Salary Increase for the Private Sector in the Dominican Republic 2021

Table of Contents

On July 14, 2021, the minimum wage increase for workers in private companies in the Dominican Republic was announced in Santo Domingo.

The National Wage Committee, through tripartite dialogue with representatives from the worker sector, the employer sector, and the government sector, under the authority granted to them by the Labor Code, reached an agreement on a salary increase for the private sector.

Regulatory Background

With Resolution No. 01 of 2021 on the National Minimum Wage for Non-Sectorized Private Sector Workers, the National Wage Committee formalized the salary increase for the private sector.

If you are an employer and need advice on preparing the payroll for workers applying this new resolution, at Contadores Dominicanos, we have over 18 years of experience helping companies and businesses with the right solutions in payroll administration services.

Considerations of this Resolution

  • The National Wage Committee must review the minimum wage rates for each economic activity at least once every two years, taking into account all factors affecting each activity.
  • The National Wage Committee is responsible for setting the minimum wage rates for workers in all economic activities.
  • The worker sector and the employer sector have reached agreements to set minimum wage rates that benefit both parties and help mitigate the adverse effects caused by the economic situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Reclassification of Companies (July 2021):

According to Resolution No. 01 of 2021 on the National Minimum Wage for Non-Sectorized Private Sector Workers, a new classification of companies is established:

Type of CompanyNumber of WorkersAnnual Gross Sales
MicroenterprisesUp to 10 workersRD$8,000,000.00
Small Enterprises11 to 50 workersBetween RD$8,000,001.00 to RD$54,000,000.00
Medium Enterprises51 to 150 workersBetween RD$54,001,000.00 to RD$202,000,000.00
Large Enterprises151 workers or moreMore than RD$202,000,000.00

In cases where a company meets the number of workers criteria for one type of company but also meets the gross annual sales criteria for another, the higher scale will be taken as valid for determining its classification and, consequently, the applicable minimum wage.

Setting the Minimum Wage:

Through the powers granted by Article 455 of the Labor Code, the National Wage Committee sets the minimum wage increase for private companies, which will take effect in stages starting from July 16, 2021, as follows:

Category of CompanySalary from July 16, 2021Salary from January 1, 2022% Increase
Small EnterprisesRD$12,400.00RD$12,900.0020%
Medium EnterprisesRD$18,500.00RD$19,250.0059%
Large EnterprisesRD$20,000.00RD$21,000.0019%

These rates must be calculated by working hours, dividing the monthly salary by 23.83, and then dividing the result by 8 for part-time employees.

Another change brought about by this new resolution affects security and private surveillance employees working in companies, who have been assigned a salary of SEVENTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOMINICAN PESOS WITH 00/100 (RD$17,250.00) per month.

Category of CompanySalary from July 16, 2021Salary from January 1, 2022

Additionally, a daily wage of FIVE HUNDRED DOMINICAN PESOS WITH 00/100 is established for farm workers for ten (10) hours of work. This wage could increase or decrease depending on whether the number of hours is more or less than the ten (10) hours established by the resolution.

Effective Date

The regulation has been in effect since July 16, 2021.


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