

What is the Current Political and Economic Situation in the Dominican Republic?

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If you are considering establishing a company or corporation in the Dominican Republic, it’s important to understand the current economic and political context, as well as the primary economic indicators, economic trends, and the political situation in the Dominican Republic.

Current Economic Situation in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is currently at a crucial moment in terms of its economic situation:

  • Key Economic Indicators (GDP): The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has shown steady growth, with the latest report from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) positioning the Dominican Republic with GDP growth around 6.8%.
  • Year-on-Year Inflation: According to the latest monetary policy report from the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, year-on-year inflation has stabilized downward until returning to its target range in May.

Evolution of Economic Activity in the Dominican Republic between 2022 and 2023

Based on information provided by recent reports from the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, we can conclude that:

  • Year 2022: The Dominican economic activity demonstrated good performance despite a less favorable international environment. This result was mainly driven by the services sector, highlighting areas such as tourism, foreign investment, which amounted to over 1.8 billion dollars, and foreign exchange-generating activities contributing close to 4.8%.
  • Year 2023: In early 2023, the Dominican economy evolved as expected in a scenario of lower domestic demand and increased uncertainty in the international environment. The Monthly Economic Activity Index (IMAE) recorded a year-on-year variation of 2.4% in May. Additionally, the labor market strengthened significantly in 2023. According to the Continuous National Labor Force Survey (ENFCT), the employment rate rose to 4.8 million in the first quarter of 2023.

Political Situation in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is characterized by relative political stability and governance that seeks a balance of state powers:

  • Challenges and Perspectives in the Political Sphere: Like any country, there are challenges and issues in the political sphere that need to be addressed. One of the main challenges is strengthening democratic institutions and promoting transparency in public administration. Combating poverty and inequality should be a priority on the Dominican political agenda, as well as protecting the environment and promoting clean energy.
  • Impact of Economic Situation on the Population: Challenges exist in terms of equitable distribution of wealth and access to economic opportunities for all. The Dominican population faces difficulties in areas such as employment, education, health, and housing. It is necessary to promote policies that foster decent employment creation, improve the quality of education, and ensure access to quality health services for all citizens.

Economic and Political Trends in the Dominican Republic

  • Current Economic and Social Policies: The Dominican Government has implemented economic and social policies aimed at improving the quality of life and promoting sustainable growth. It has focused on strengthening key sectors such as education, health, and infrastructure, with the aim of fostering equity and social inclusion.
  • Trade Relations and International Agreements: The country has made efforts to diversify its export markets in sectors such as tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing. Likewise, it has sought to actively participate in regional and global organizations to promote greater economic integration and international cooperation.
  • Projects and Programs to Stimulate Economic Growth: With the goal of stimulating economic growth, projects and programs have been implemented in various strategic sectors. The Dominican Government has invested in the tourism industry, promoting investment in hotel infrastructure and diversifying the tourism offering.

Additionally, efforts have been made to attract investment in areas such as renewable energy, agribusiness, and technology, fostering job creation and economic momentum.

At Contadores Dominicanos, we provide comprehensive legal, corporate, and accounting advice for creating companies and businesses in the Dominican Republic. Our highly qualified professionals are ready to address all your inquiries.


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