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Mergers and Dissolution of Companies Service

Our Mergers and Dissolution of Companies services are governed by the provisions established in the General Law of Commercial Companies and Limited Liability Individual Companies, as well as Law No. 141-15 on Restructuring and Liquidation of Companies and Individual Merchants.

At Contadores Dominicanos, we have a highly qualified team of professionals in corporate and commercial law, which allows us to provide timely advice on all procedures related to the merger and liquidation of companies in the Dominican Republic.

Our Merger and Liquidation of Companies Service is characterized by our legal, commercial, and tax advisory services for the merger and liquidation of any of the following Commercial Companies:

  1. Limited Liability Individual Company (EIRL)
  2. Limited Liability Company (SRL)
  3. Corporation (SA)
  4. Simplified Joint Stock Company (SAS)
  5. General Partnership
  6. Limited Partnership
  7. Partnership Limited by Shares

What is the merger of a company?

This legal entity has been conceived by Dominican legislation to allow two or more companies to unite their assets into a new or existing company. The merging company ceases to exist due to the merger itself, while the surviving company remains and absorbs the other, or the surviving company can also be the one created by the merger.

What is the liquidation of a company?

It is the legal act through which the commercial activity of the company is suspended. The dissolution occurs when the taxpayer disengages from the Tax Administration, and this disengagement must be completed with the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII).

Our services include:

  • Mergers and acquisitions.
  • Total liquidation of companies.
  • Submission of documentation to the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) and the Chamber of Commerce.
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