

How to Create a Travel Agency in the Dominican Republic?

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Creating a travel agency in the Dominican Republic requires following legal requirements established by the Ministry of Tourism. These include having articles of incorporation, a national taxpayer registration, mercantile registry, and a list of partners. Interested in learning how to open a travel agency in the Dominican Republic?

In this article, we outline the main steps and requirements for creating a travel agency in the Dominican Republic.

Steps Required to Open a Travel Agency in the Dominican Republic

  • Registering the trade name at the National Office of Industrial Property (ONAPI).
  • Registering the travel agency with the Mercantile Registry of the Dominican Republic.
  • Registering the company with the General Directorate of Taxes (DGII).

Requirements for a Travel Agency in the Dominican Republic

It is essential to meet a series of legal requirements established by the Ministry of Tourism:

Necessary Documents:

  1. Company articles of incorporation: These are legal documents that establish the internal rules and regulations of the organization.
  2. National taxpayer registration: This registration is necessary to comply with fiscal and tax obligations established by Dominican authorities.
  3. Mercantile registry: Involves registering the travel agency with the Mercantile Registry of the Dominican Republic, which legally validates the company and authorizes it to operate in the commercial sphere.
  4. List of partners: Must have a formal list indicating the names and details of the partners involved in the business.
  5. Operating license issued by the Ministry of Tourism: To operate legally as a travel agency in the Dominican Republic, it is essential to obtain an operating license issued by the Ministry of Tourism.

Specific Requirements to Obtain the Operating License Issued by the Ministry of Tourism

  1. Letter addressed to the Ministry of Tourism with company details: A formal letter addressed to the Ministry of Tourism must be drafted, including relevant details about the travel agency intended to be established in the country. This letter should include details such as the trade name, address, contact information, and any other relevant data.
  2. Copies of identity cards of owners, partners, and legal representative: Copies of identity cards of owners, partners, and the legal representative of the company must be provided.
  3. Certificates of No Criminal Record: It is essential to have certificates demonstrating that both the owners, partners, and the legal representative of the company have no criminal records.
  4. Certificate of trade name registration: This document proves that the name under which the travel agency intends to operate is duly registered and legally authorized.
  5. Company constitutive documents: Constitutive documents of the company, such as the articles of incorporation and social statutes, must be submitted.
  6. Bank reference: This reference must be issued by a recognized banking institution and certify that the company has the necessary financial resources to operate and meet its economic commitments.
  7. Certificate of property title or lease agreement: If the company owns commercial property, the property title certificate must be submitted. If the company operates in leased premises, the corresponding lease agreement must be presented.
  8. Civil liability insurance policy: It is essential to have civil liability insurance that covers any eventualities or damages that may arise during the provision of travel agency services.
  9. Guarantee bond: A guarantee bond is required to ensure compliance with all obligations and requirements established by the Ministry of Tourism.
  10. Copy of valid ID card of qualified air traffic personnel: A copy of the valid ID card of qualified air traffic personnel who will work in the travel agency must be presented.

Steps to Obtain the Operating License Issued by the Ministry of Tourism

You must follow a process established by the Ministry of Tourism. Below are the steps to follow:

  1. Publication of the application in a national circulation newspaper.
  2. Purchase of the green inspection book.
  3. Inspection conducted by Ministry of Tourism inspectors.
  4. Payment of the corresponding fee for the operating license.

Once all the above steps are completed, the process of obtaining the operating license may take around 10 working days. During this period, the Ministry of Tourism will evaluate all the documentation submitted and make the final decision on the issuance of the license.

Please note that this process is subject to possible changes in requirements and procedures established by the Ministry of Tourism.

Interested in creating travel agencies in the Dominican Republic? There are certain requirements for which you may need professional assistance when setting up a travel agency.

At Contadores Dominicanos, we can help you create your company or corporation.


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